Madge went to live with the Hoo Family in Montclair, NJ and was rechristened Maggie. As first-time dog owners with a Sealy, they should have just named her Princess Maggie and made it official. Maggie got a wonderful family that loves her and takes excellent care of her. The Hoos got a handful of Sealyness. These are a couple of pics from her first outing to the world of dog shows - The Cherry Blossom series in Timonium, MD. Everyone was impressed with her (she picked up a 3 point Major). She, however, was not impressed with the whole affair.

"We are so going to have a talk when I get home. Who is this woman and what is she doing?"

Getting ready for the ring.

I remember Allen. Used to live with him when I was a pup. Maybe he can get me out of here.